[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Ready for Two Phases to Prosperity?


 WFTB Now has Two Entry Price Points…

Option 1.

Come in with $100:

And Introduce Two within 24-72 Hours.


Option 2.

Come in with $500:


    Receive Your Two and be Upgraded Automatically to Phase 1 – Level 2!

    Receive Two Positions in Your Downline!

    Receive One Month of our Ad Co-op!


How this Benefits You:

MORE “Re-Entries” will be pushing You Up to Phase 2, Quicker!


Receive Referral Bonuses for Each Referral that Joins Option #2!


    Start Earning 100% Commissions… GUARANTEED.

    PAID Member to Member (NON Gifting).


Ready for Two Phases to Prosperity? 


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

Get Your Ad Campaign Started


Hi Blogger

Get Your Ad Campaign Started!

Email to a random list of members just by Signing Up!

Active Members Earn a Share of Site Profits Every Month!

*$100+ In Real Value Advertising, Free!
*Unique Level Up System, Increases Your Mailing List!
*Profit Share Given to Active Email Readers!
*Profit Share Given to Upgraded Members!
*Earn Up to 50% Commissions on ALL SALES!
*Plus Much More!

Just grows and grows.

Promo code: levelup

Get in now and start earning right now!

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Take Control and Achieve the Dream in 2016


Do you, perchance, need more signups to your online business?
Are you promoting with no real results?

Here's a tip.

You need a large volume of traffic.
Probably more than you can afford at the moment.

How about if you could get much more trafic than you have now
and instead of paying for it, make good solid money from it?
Would that free you up to succeed at your primary business and
put money in your pocket? Would it change your lifestyle?

I bet it would.

Here's how. You really want to take a look at this.

Go get the traffic candy NOW.

Thank me later,

Debbie Penner


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Check Out DVT!!


The Land Marketing Group is well Known as the Premier Advertising Group for getting Members RESULTS.

Activity Rewards allows you to set your own Commissions,Surf Timer and much more

Master Programed Tracking System Allows you to know Where to Advertise.
Plus Games seen no where else makes DVT the perfect TE for Marketers and Gamers alike

Louise Deavin and Doug Forbes only Pick Winners-so you KNOW DVT is going to be a Rising Star.

You can not go wrong with The Land Marketing Group and DVT​!



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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - You Found What?......


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"BigFootMailer - Yes, We Finally Found it! All the 
Traffic And Cash You've Been Searching For!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

G'day Blogger, it's Chris Hobbs here, and I just
wanted to send you a quick note to see if you have
heard the news about BigFootMailer.

It's a Viral List Builder that just Launched with adorable 
new graphics and all the features we've come to love and 
it's free to join!!

Now before I share some cool details about this
program I need to let you know that they've decided
to share their cash by paying you $2.00 to join 
for free!

Huge opportunity if you ask me!

Go ahead and join right now, because it's filling up fast
and that means there's thousands of marketers waiting to 
view your websites.

Be one of the first 800 new members to join and read 5
emails then use this promo code " bigfoot" and they will 
pay you $2.00.. added to your account.

Good luck and welcome aboard in advance.

With my best wishes,

Chris Hobbs

P.S. Quick-response bonus! Be one of the first 800 new 
members to join (and read 5 emails then use this promo 
code "bigfoot") and you'll start with $2.00 in your 



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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Joe REOWNS CriticalMassAds adding lifetime banners and other dynamite features


Joe REOWNS CriticalMassAds adding lifetime banners and other dynamite features
Critical Mass Ads is:
an Instant Commissions List Building Site,
A Text Ad Exchange,
A Traffic Exchange,
A Safelist,
And Quite a Lot More!

You see I have combined the best of all advertising scripts, and put them all under one roof.... Once you've signed up, and get inside... You will find a whole host of advertising options at Your Fingertips!

Earn credits or advertise using:
Super Solos, Solo Ads, Text Ads,

Banner Ads, Login Ads, Clix4Cash Solos, Premium Ads, Block Ads,
Ads Plus Ads, Featured Ads Plus Ads,
Header Ads, Headline Ads, Fullpage Ads, and more...

GET YOUR $300 IN FREE ADS see below

Earn 100 per cent commissions

Send email to all members

Send Solo Network Ads to over 58,000 members

Viral Ads Feature

Residual Builder System


You'll Receive 25,000 Credits...Plus
1 Solo Ad
4 Banner Ads
2 Button Ads
2 Block Ads
2 Ads Plus Ads
2 Headline Ads
2 Premium Ads

Click the "Advertising" button and redeem Promo Code: newmember



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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - 133 Pre-Launch "Early Bird" Spots Left!

133 Pre-Launch "Early Bird" Spots Left!

Life-Time Upgrade - 10 Bucks - 100% INSTANT Commissions!

Hi there,

Dave Mosher again with an exciting "Pre-Launch"
announcent of a new Safelist/Viral Mailer
where NEW Members can lock in a LIFE-TIME

Open to a MAX of 150 "Pre-Launch Members"
before the official launch planned for
February 1st, 2016.

It's ONLY 10 BUCKS! It's 100% INSTANT Commission!

Once 150 "Pre-Launch Members" have locked in, this
page will be pulled to give them the chance to be
FIRST to promote!

You have a chance right now to be one of the very
first to promote this site/offer on Feb. 1st!

How many members do you think you can refer
paying you directly with 100% INSTANT Commissions

ONLY 133 Pre-Launch "Early Bird" Spots Left!

To your online success!

Dave Mosher - Owner


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

We deliver Your Emails with Latin Passion!


Mailerito is a Brand New FULLY FEATURED Viral Mailer.

If you are looking for ACTIVE members, members that ACTUALLY read
your  ads or You are simply looking to create your OWN list; or
need quality visitors to your website...

Then check out Mailerito; signup for your FREE Membership today!

The Mailerito  Viral Mailer Features:

* $1.00 Signup Bonus
* 2000 FREE Credits upon signup
* 1000 Text ad Impressions Upon signup
* 1000 Banner Impressions Upon signup
* Great CTR
* Unclaimed Credits
* Click4Cash
* PTC Cash
* Weekly Jackpot Contest
* Residual Commissions
* Mail the list as you join!
* Up to 50% Residual Commissions
* Low $10 Payout
* Monthly Bonus Credits
* Free Downline Mailer
* PTC Mailers Downline Builder
* Weekly Top Promoters Contest
* Monthly Referral Contest
* Dynamic Click Ratio

* Signup Bonus
Promo code: TACOS
Cash $1.00
Credits 2000
Bimps 1000
Limps 1000

All you have to do is point your browser over
to the link below and signup!

P.S. If you are ready to save money, you should pay extra
close attention on your first login to discover the amazing
OTO that will really give you a boost.

For your success, Alberto Hernandez (tpckrane0)

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-> http://speedytrafficmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=5403&openkey=drj9bwsv

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - NEW LAUNCH: Boost My Online Biz (It's an Ad Co-op)


Hello Everyone,

I LOVE advertising my programs to
people all over the net.

I found an amazing new advertising
service that lets me promote my links
whenever I want to whoever I want.

It's called *Boost My Online Biz*

They spend 28k/day on ads to give
me optins from ALL these places:

- Google AdWords
- You Tube
- Facebook
- Traffic Exchanges
- Bing/Yahoo PPC
- Safelists
- Solo ads
- Banner ads

Getting started is a breeze.

1) Just sign up.

2) Watch the quick getting
   started video

3) Enter your favorite program
   url or affiliate link as shown
   and that's it!

Everything is provided for you
to succeed in one sweet package.

The results have been amazing.

People are doing more than just
clicking my links but they are
paying to join my offers.

Running an ad campaign like this
myself would require way too much
money and way way too much time.

Before you join another ad service
before you click any link for credits
before you do ANYTHING else you NEED
to check this program out.

Because we all need ad tools that
work for a change :)

Diana Young

Want a helping hand getting started?

Just say "Hey Diana" in my
gmail subject line so I can
directly zero in on your email :)


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

[Speedy Super Solo Network] - *****The Perfect Compensation Plan


You know our opportunity is only 11-Bucks
and our team markets your link
Plus,, you get all these products,,  F'ree
To use with any program you wish

*Ad Tracker
*Splash Page Creator
*& Much More :)

We look forward to driving traffic to your site
and building our team together.




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Speedy Traffic Mailer

Rina's Favourite Sites!


Hi There,

Could You Use Some Help Promoting YOUR BUSINESS

on Safelist and Traffic Exchanges?

If So, You Will LOVE Rina Recommends!

With Over 35 Partner Sites INSTANTLY Giving Away

Thousands of FREE Monthly

Credits/Banners/Texts & Solos


All the best,
Rina Baxter


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Blogger 1OO,OOO Free Set & Forget AdViews



Hi Blogger

How would you like to show your ads
100,000 times for free?

Rotate your ads not only in the members area,
but also on ALL affiliate pages.

Now, that's powerful advertising!

It only takes 5 minutes to get you set.
Is it worth it? Have a look!

Enjoy, Ivan G.

ps Get paid up to 1OO% comms on Everything!



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"Pro Online Marketers" for all your needs...

If you don't necessarily love what you have seen online for long, you've come to the right place. At "Pro Online Marketers", we do what we love: Business.

We are business partners building our future and not just a downline.

Request more info.



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, Speedy Traffic Mailer,



"Pro Online Marketers" for all your needs...

If you don't necessarily love what you have seen online for long, you've come to the right place. At "Pro Online Marketers", we do what we love: Business.

We are business partners building our future and not just a downline.

Request more info.



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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Guess: What site I am talking about ?


Average sales of $7.20 per members.

Not even one month old...
Mail over 750 members

Amazing 4%-5% CTR via mailbox

Lifetime Upgrade for all budget:

Get 40%-50% or 60% Commission on EVERYTHING

Up to 25000 Credits Monthly!


If you are still not there... may I ask you one thing...



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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - ViralCashMultiplier Instant pay 16million signup credits


Highest instant commissions site ever seen online
Founders 16000000 credits and earn 150 per cent
We pay infinite levels down

150% Instant Pay  - Free Members get 50%

Claim hundreds $$ in Free Traffic!
Redeem Promo Codes Hidden Within the Site!


Click the "Advertising" button and redeem Promo Code: newmember

You'll Receive 50,000 Credits...

Plus 50,000 Viral Credits

10 Banner Ads
10 Text Ads
2 Login Ads
2 Solo Ads
2 Button Ads
2 Hotlink Ads

2 Block Ads
2 Ads Plus Ads
2 Headline Ads
2 Premium Ads

This site is designed to for all members to earn commissions!

Free members earn 50% one sale for sponsor one for member

Silver Members earn 67% one sale for sponsor 2 for member

Gold Members Earn 75% one sale for sponsor 3 for member

Platinum Members earn 86% one sale for sponsor 6 for member

Founders earn 150% 

150% Instant Pay Commissions for Founders

You'll get 100% commissions on all front-end OTO's and offers

Plus commissions on advertising or upgrades by your referrals!
Plus you get all the admin commissions that would go to admin
for all the members in your downline.
We call it 150% commissions!

Prices for the launch are rock bottom
Watch the Video. Thanks


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

Blogger By the way....you can also earn great



Why would anyone say no to receiving 16 personalized
self branding splash pages for a one-time fee of 7

You can use these splash pages to promote any program
you want.  They work great in traffic exchanges and

By the way....you can also earn great commissions.

Check us out.

John Blume

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Guaranteed More Signups and Referrals

Submit your solo ad to 47,000,000 business opportunity seekers.Make more sales.


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

Make Money Online - No Selling - No Recruiting



I reveal a little known yet proven way for ANYONE to start making money online without selling or without recruiting others.


Watch the whole video before moving on because it provides critical instructions that are important to your success with this offer.


Your path to success in this business will be unique to you – options and instructions are revealed to enable you to succeed faster.

All the very best,

Chris Hoyle.


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[Solo Ad] - Real Worldwide Website Visitors To Your Website


This web traffic is perfectly tailored for anyone who is selling a product, service or idea. Your website is seen by real people who will see your product or service giving you the sales and signups you well and truly deserve.

As personally can not control visitor actions can not say what the bounce rate for each visit will be or what the click through rate for your website will be, current websites within the rotator are showing a click through rate of between 0.1% and 0.5% but the click through rate for your website all depends on the content of your website, what you are selling or what you have to offer the visitor.

Best Regards!


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, Speedy Traffic Mailer,

[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Grab the most powerful form of communication the hand


Grab the most powerful form of communication the hand 

Let me explain something that will astound you.

We are genetically programed to watch a hand create.
When we watch someone paint or draw or write we focus much more on what is being drawn  or written. We actually release powerful chemicals in our brains that communicate to us that we feel good about watching that hand.

I call it the power of the hand to communicate.

This is so powerful the top marketers do not talk about it.
I have increased my conversions dramatically using this.

The #1 Animation, Doodle Sketch, and Motion Video Creation Software.
Explainer or Training Videos?

Marketers, trainers, and communicators from businesses both small and large all want to use more motion, animation, or doodle videos to attract and keep viewer attention, as well as to pass on their message in a powerful and effective way.

Unfortunately, without the right tool, such content is difficult to create. It requires graphical and programming expertise, or, if you outsource it, is very expensive to make.

Watch the video
Joe Freyaldenhoven

You will not believe how cheap this is and more importantly how powerful it is and how much it will increase your leads and sales.


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🗿 Get 💵 For Every Sign Up!

You may know him as Sasquatch
but around here we just call him
According to local folklore
a young boy went missing
from a family outing in the forest.
The child was found and raised
by the Bigfoot clan.
When he reached adulthood
he knew he needed to find
and help others like himself,
by creating a super viral mailer.
Good thing Bigfoot had a laptop!

 This is so cool: Cash Per Referral!

Free  members get $.50 per referral and upgraded members  get $1.00 per referral. This promotion will run until we reach 1100 members!
They have added lots of ways to earn
like  Click4Cash, PTC, VTG, Zubee Coins, Icons,
Email Click Rewards or when we refer new members who
upgrade or purchase advertising... the works!

Huge opportunity if you ask me!

By joining this program, you'll immediately enjoy
The Best In Viral List Builder Marketing!

Best wishes for prosperity,
Thomas H. Keoppel

P.S. Oh! And one more thing... It's owned by Marty Hopkins - master storyteller around the campfire

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Marketing, Tools and Money!


Hi Blogger,

All the marketing web tools, list building and cash!

Success 4 all

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Blogger Congratulations Activate Your FREE Traffic Now


Hey Blogger


Today I have launched 100 Percent Ads which will deliver quality email advertising with massive results and the best part of all is YOU will earn 100

percent commission.


We are giving away $100 in FREE advertising when you signup today and 100 percent commission every time you refer an upgraded member.


Blogger Don't delay, signup today!


To YOUR Success


Mark McCulloch


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

[Speedy Super Solo Network] - We paid out over 2000 dollars in commissions the first day


ICE is hot 150 Instant Pay 16000000 Bonus Credits
awesome signup bonuses
Founders are paid the owner's commissions

Would you like to receive no emails ever?

InstantCashEngine is live
Plus Claim hundreds of dollars in Free Traffic!

You can earn up to 150% in commissions at INSTANTCASHENGINE? Let me explain.
Founders are paid Owner's commissions and that is how we pay 150%


Let me explain 150% commissions so you understand how unique and powerful this feature is and how it benefits you like nothing you have ever seen.

You'll get 100% commissions on all front-end OTO's and offers

Plus commissions on advertising or upgrades by your referrals!
Plus you get all the owner commissions
for all the members in your downline.
We call it 150% commissions!

All the commissions in your downline that normally would go to admin will now go to you.

This is for unlimited levels down, no matter how far in your downline a commission that normally would go to admin will go to you.
The only way I earn is from sale of login offer for advertising not upgrades

Q. Will I receive emails from site members or other emails?
A.  No -  you will not receive emails from members  or other emails only admin  email about once per week tops.

Q. What Advertising Options Are Included In The Site?
A. At INSTANTCASHENGINEYou Can Earn Points For ViewingText Ads, Banner Ads, Login Ads, Premium Ads, Block Ads, Ads Plus Ads, Featured Ads Plus Ads, Header Ads, Headline Ads, Fullpage Ads, Monthly Ads, and more!
INSTANTCASHENGINE Also Has The Viral Ads Feature, Where You Earn Commissions On Your Referrals By Using Our Viral Ads System, Where You Advertise Your Other Affiliate Links And Opportunities, At The Same Time As Advertising Cash Traffic Machine. You Can See An Example Of Our Viral Ads System By Looking At The Bar Across The Bottom Of This Window. We Also Have The Residual Builder System at My Turbo List, Where You Can Add 7 Affiliate Banner Ads And Also Advertise My Turbo List.

Lifetime Banners and Lifetime Text Ads Available

GET YOUR hundreds$$ IN FREE ADS:

You'll Receive 50,000 Credits...Plus
50,000 Viral Credits

10 Banner Ads
10 Text Ads
2 Button Ads
2 Block Ads
2 Ads Plus Ads
2 Headline Ads
2 Premium Ads

Click the "Advertising" button and redeem Promo Code: newmember




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Speedy Traffic Mailer

[Speedy Super Solo Network] - We paid out over 2000 dollars in commissions on day 1


ICE is hot pays infinite levels down 150 Instant Pay 16000000 Bonus Credits
awesome signup bonuses
Founders are paid the owner's commissions

Would you like to receive no emails ever?

InstantCashEngine is live
Plus Claim hundreds of dollars in Free Traffic!

You can earn up to 150% in commissions at INSTANTCASHENGINE? Let me explain.
Founders are paid Owner's commissions and that is how we pay 150%


Let me explain 150% commissions so you understand how unique and powerful this feature is and how it benefits you like nothing you have ever seen.

You'll get 100% commissions on all front-end OTO's and offers

Plus commissions on advertising or upgrades by your referrals!
Plus you get all the owner commissions
for all the members in your downline.
We call it 150% commissions!

All the commissions in your downline that normally would go to admin will now go to you.

This is for unlimited levels down, no matter how far in your downline a commission that normally would go to admin will go to you.
The only way I earn is from sale of login offer for advertising not upgrades

Q. Will I receive emails from site members or other emails?
A.  No -  you will not receive emails from members  or other emails only admin  email about once per week tops.

Q. What Advertising Options Are Included In The Site?
A. At INSTANTCASHENGINEYou Can Earn Points For ViewingText Ads, Banner Ads, Login Ads, Premium Ads, Block Ads, Ads Plus Ads, Featured Ads Plus Ads, Header Ads, Headline Ads, Fullpage Ads, Monthly Ads, and more!
INSTANTCASHENGINE Also Has The Viral Ads Feature, Where You Earn Commissions On Your Referrals By Using Our Viral Ads System, Where You Advertise Your Other Affiliate Links And Opportunities, At The Same Time As Advertising Cash Traffic Machine. You Can See An Example Of Our Viral Ads System By Looking At The Bar Across The Bottom Of This Window. We Also Have The Residual Builder System at My Turbo List, Where You Can Add 7 Affiliate Banner Ads And Also Advertise My Turbo List.

Lifetime Banners and Lifetime Text Ads Available

GET YOUR hundreds$$ IN FREE ADS:

You'll Receive 50,000 Credits...Plus
50,000 Viral Credits

10 Banner Ads
10 Text Ads
2 Button Ads
2 Block Ads
2 Ads Plus Ads
2 Headline Ads
2 Premium Ads

Click the "Advertising" button and redeem Promo Code: newmember




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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Get Paid to Eat... Brand New Business Model!

Get Paid for What You already do...
every day.... and that is Eat !!!

This is a Brand New Company and they 
want to pay you to tell others about their 
Organic Foods and Home Delivery Service.

Their fresh produce is available to anyone
in the United States, and many of their
packaged products and their Organic 
Soup Diet is available for world-wide shipping.

Their compensation Plan is outrageous.

Order Online and They 
Deliver Right to Your Doorstep.

I urge you to sign up for FREE and take 
a look at Garden Fresh Organic Store.

Next - in the member area click START HERE
on your left to get more details, Next - Get the 
Memberships and Get Paid for what you 
already do..........  and that is Eat!

Geo Monroe 


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - WFTB Now has Two Entry Price Points…

WFTB Now has Two Entry Price Points…
Option 1.
Come in with $100:
And Introduce Two within 24-72 Hours.
Option 2.
Come in with $500:

    Receive Your Two and be Upgraded Automatically to Phase 1 – Level 2!
    Receive Two Positions in Your Downline!
    Receive One Month of our Ad Co-op!

How this Benefits You:
MORE “Re-Entries” will be pushing You Up to Phase 2, Quicker!
Receive Referral Bonuses for Each Referral that Joins Option #2!

    Start Earning 100% Commissions… GUARANTEED.
    PAID Member to Member (NON Gifting).

Ready for Two Phases to Prosperity? 


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Christian Founded...Come Build A Real Income With Us



I would like to introduce...

The Christian founded ~ Online Income Club!

A team for people who are serious about making
a SUBSTANTIAL Income Online!

Learn how to make a Real Monthly Residual Income
Online with PROVEN and TIME TESTED Home Based
Businesses and Online Businesses.

We'll Teach You How. Get Started Today!

  • Free Tools
  • Free Training
  • No Cold Calling Leads
  • Do it ALL from a Little Budget
  • Build Monthly Residual Income
  • Free Webpage (No hidden cost)
  • Home Business and Online Business Success
  • Work with a team of SERIOUS Income Builders
  • (Meet some awesome people! Praise God!)  LOL

You can join us now and get started today.

We're ready to show you how...Step-by-Step!

I believe this IS the absolute BEST opp available online today!

Don't delay, check it out and get started NOW!


God bless you,
In Christ,
The OIC Team!

(Christian founded ~ Online Income Club)

Praising Jesus all the day long!   Glory to the King.


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Want your ads to be seen??

The fact: YOU NEED clicks on your ads!

No clicks = No sign ups = No money

See my last test



bente molvaer/bemolv

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-> http://speedytrafficmailer.com/credit_click.php?userid=5403&openkey=7tdcw4kh

Click This Link To Report Abuse:
-> http://speedytrafficmailer.com/reportabuse.php?userid=5403&openkey=7tdcw4kh

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Do you need help with your home business?


Hi Blogger

If you are marketing an affiliate product or even your own product, the first thing you need to have is a sales funnel. That's a capture page, autoresponder with messages, tracking and traffic sources.

Team Elite Home Businesses supplies all that plus more.

  • Promote any site or link
  • Autoresponder - Broadcaster
  • Unlimited subscribers - lead storage - compare that
  • Unlimited  autoresponders
  • Unlimited lead capture system pages fully editable
  • Commissions up to 75 per cent
  • Random Leads through rotator
  • Multiple Streams of Income
  • Integrated Downline Builder
  • Premiere Leads Generating Systems using top converting funnels
  • We are team builders over 3000 strong we know how to build a home business
  • Thousands of assorted bonus credits and no cost memberships in ad sites and mailers.

Of course you can do all of that on your own, set up a hosting account, learn how to use a coding program to build your own capture pages, find a free or low cost autoresponder, write your own subscriber messages, design your own banners using photoshop or its no cost cousin, gimp and the list goes on and on.

I've learned to use most of free programs. I have hosting and I used to make all my own capture pages and it was a huge learning curve.

The main thing to take away from this email is that your efforts should be directed toward writing emails and posting ads. That is where you'll earn income.

So if you don't want to go it alone or spend all your time on set up and design, Team Elite Home Businesses is the way to go.

My best,
Maggie Eslinger


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - 10 And 10 For 10 Do The Math


Totally New  Teambuild Approach.

Just 100  Marketers  needed to make it happen!



Richard the Wizz


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Speedy Traffic Mailer

[Speedy Super Solo Network] - We paid out over 2000 dollars in commissions on day 1


ICE is hot 150 Instant Pay 16000000 Bonus Credits
awesome signup bonuses
Founders are paid the owner's commissions

Would you like to receive no emails ever?

InstantCashEngine is live
Plus Claim hundreds of dollars in Free Traffic!

You can earn up to 150% in commissions at INSTANTCASHENGINE? Let me explain.
Founders are paid Owner's commissions and that is how we pay 150%


Let me explain 150% commissions so you understand how unique and powerful this feature is and how it benefits you like nothing you have ever seen.

You'll get 100% commissions on all front-end OTO's and offers

Plus commissions on advertising or upgrades by your referrals!
Plus you get all the owner commissions
for all the members in your downline.
We call it 150% commissions!

All the commissions in your downline that normally would go to admin will now go to you.

This is for unlimited levels down, no matter how far in your downline a commission that normally would go to admin will go to you.
The only way I earn is from sale of login offer for advertising not upgrades

Q. Will I receive emails from site members or other emails?
A.  No -  you will not receive emails from members  or other emails only admin  email about once per week tops.

Q. What Advertising Options Are Included In The Site?
A. At INSTANTCASHENGINEYou Can Earn Points For ViewingText Ads, Banner Ads, Login Ads, Premium Ads, Block Ads, Ads Plus Ads, Featured Ads Plus Ads, Header Ads, Headline Ads, Fullpage Ads, Monthly Ads, and more!
INSTANTCASHENGINE Also Has The Viral Ads Feature, Where You Earn Commissions On Your Referrals By Using Our Viral Ads System, Where You Advertise Your Other Affiliate Links And Opportunities, At The Same Time As Advertising Cash Traffic Machine. You Can See An Example Of Our Viral Ads System By Looking At The Bar Across The Bottom Of This Window. We Also Have The Residual Builder System at My Turbo List, Where You Can Add 7 Affiliate Banner Ads And Also Advertise My Turbo List.

Lifetime Banners and Lifetime Text Ads Available

GET YOUR hundreds$$ IN FREE ADS:

You'll Receive 50,000 Credits...Plus
50,000 Viral Credits

10 Banner Ads
10 Text Ads
2 Button Ads
2 Block Ads
2 Ads Plus Ads
2 Headline Ads
2 Premium Ads

Click the "Advertising" button and redeem Promo Code: newmember




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